I have created 2  Andorid application,

1) SmarTrack Manager. (To get the data and analyse it)
2) SmarTrack Worker.(To send the data)

SmarTrack Worker app is used by the workers who are woking according to their line no, Every Worker has one of these application in their phone with their username to identify them ,They are required to input data on hourly bases such as :-  Production and Target and by pressing the Send button the data is securely send to the Online DB.

SmarTrack Manager app is used to get the data form all the workers through their SmarTrack Worker Application (More than ONE) and this single app process all the data and creates Charts and Graphs Accordingly, Theri are 2 ways to view the data 
        a) By selecting the line No (for a specific line No).
        b) By selecting graphs and chart which are present in the Navigation Drawer(to see the overall Efficency and Performance of all the               Line)

1) Simple and Easy to understand UI
2) Fast and Robust.
3) Is able to get all the pervious records accoring to date. - if u have a date u can fetch records even of 50 years past 
4) updation of new data is possible.
5) Security feature only one app can be installed in one phone - you can't install SmarTrack Manager application and SmarTack Workerapplication in the same phone, and if you try to it will delete the installed app.
6) session persistent.
7)Material Design.

1) If u have installed the SmarTrack Manager App in your phone then you will not be able to use the SmarTrack Worker Application vice-versa , 
2) Only one SmarTrack Apllication is allowed in One phone.
3) SmarTrack Woker App is compatiable above 4.4 (Kit-Kat)
4) SmarTrack Manager App is compatiable above 5.0(Lollipop)

I am attaching some Pics of both the Application and their .APK

Hope you like them, and Please let me Know any Updates.

Click Here To Download The SmarTrack Worker Application
